Server Admin6 posts

Image for "Updated - Vagrant on Windows path limit fix"

Updated - Vagrant on Windows path limit fix

Improved Vagrant and Puppet scripts for hosting Linux VMs on Windows.

Image for "Using the MEAN stack on Windows with PuPHPet"

Using the MEAN stack on Windows with PuPHPet

Lately I've been playing with Vagrant and Puppet to create virtual machines for local MEAN stack development.

Image for "Relative paths in PHP INI"

Relative paths in PHP INI

Improve the portability of your code from server-to-server with environment variables in your PHP INI.

Image for "Microsoft Office Link Pre-fetching and Single Sign-On"
Single Sign-On

Microsoft Office Link Pre-fetching and Single Sign-On

I updated a site to use Single Sign-On (SSO) capability, specifically with Shibboleth, and was shocked to discover that links to the site in Microsoft Office files stopped working. After thorough troubleshooting I found a workaround.

Image for "Don't host on a .255 IP address"

Don't host on a .255 IP address

Not all IP addresses are created equal.

Image for "Hosting PHP on IIS7"

Hosting PHP on IIS7

Running PHP sites on Internet Information Services (IIS) is easy! And with a few extra steps, you can achieve a versatile and extensible setup to avoid management headaches down the line. Follow this guide to add PHP functionality to your IIS server and avoid common mistakes.